Heart Of Homeopathy

Heart of Homeopathy
Therapeutic trend in Homeopathy
Relapsing of illnesses indicate the weakness of protective strength and the vitality is compromised. Chronic effect of Trauma, Tuberculosis, allergies, autoimmune disorders are some, the leading cause in compromising the fighting ability of the immune system. A fundamental phenomenon with the sickening situation. The therapy is to boosts the cardiovascular system for healing process and prevent recurrence. The core benefits with the Homeopathic system.
The work on Multiple Sclerosis has been significant experiences that is continuing. The application of therapy on anatomical basis is only palliative, that control the surface, and the disease keep progressing. The long-term observation of progressive declining of the strength, like difficulty in walking, loss of balancing power, general fatigue, inability to preform daily work etc.
The element of physiological objective of maintaining the physical functional, as well as weakening of useful emotion ability. The physiological functionality is essential in the creative activities. The disorder in this area is the leading cause disturbance. The treatment based on and in accordance to physiological
Complexity of homeopathic therapy is simply that the disease is secondary whereas the drug matters. The drug must match, in its properties, with the sickness and it accompanying, strange, rare and peculiar symptoms of the individual.
The clinical analysis of patient conditions are intelligently designed to meet the exigencies of our time, perfecting the physicians in the therapeutic fields. The prescription is for the patient, while the remedies energies the action of all the vital organs to take care of the unwanted force. The greatest and finest goal in recovery.
The objective of healing is different in the prevailing systems of medicine. More so it is completely distinguishably different in homeopathy.
The disease is an outcome of pathogen but the emotional, environmental, and accidental factors plays its role. The change in bio-physiology of the human structure. The factors like physics-economic, and psychological imbalance give unique insight of human being. Above all the regional variation in the symptomatology is prevalence due to the pathology is a fact that is being observed.
The objective of taking care of illness is distinguishably different in Homeopathy. To bring harmony that is needed to accordingly balanced the stress and physical symptoms. The quality of drugs must be harmless and harmonious to the overall dynamic nature to suit the heart of the patient.
To achieve the desired quality the medicinal substances, pass through the heating process-called “Potentization”. That changes the properties of drug, from toxic to stable nontoxic feature. The Potentized substance evolve the ability to synthesize and synchronize with the magnetic fields of the heart and chemicals chemistry of the human system. An effective means in healing at dynamic level and creates unstable flora in removing the toxin of the pathogen.
The concept of life, the chemistry of human dynamics and sickness are essential in each patient. The material and mean, harmonize with the disturb life forces to restore the weekend tissue.
The sufficiently potentized remedy correspond with the wrongdoing of pathogen and certainly not being crude. The potentized materials has impulse to grow and induce better action, establishes, a state of order and changes the economy from an abnormal to a normal state.
The crude drug symptomatically helps the troubles, but-causes emotional uneasiness. The selected lowest drug dosage fails to produce the dynamic power in calming the heart rhythms and regulating health activity.
The simple potentize solution meet the state of disorder, that happens to push the disease away. It, involves the vital organs, and the vitality for smooth functioning and strengthening of cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
The chronic debilitating state like in post tubercular, chronic renal disorders, post- traumatic or postoperative troubles are more pronounce. The potency is suitable to the economy of health, makes digestive, respiratory systems, strong enough to hold high up against the invading forces.
The therapeutic science of today is facings challenges in dealing with, both acute and chronic diseases. The non-responsive behavior of the specific drugs is causing nightmares. The disease and drugs are creating new problems, complicating patient management. It’s observed that without the useful knowledge of the chemistry of the drug it is unlikely to obtain curative results against the ravages of disease.
Envisaging such, the remedy is applied under unfailing law, is infinite possibilities of cure that is far beyond the visibility of the chemical plane. Homeopathic therapy stands by for a meaningful solution for all health conditions. A discipline that fight the pathogen from cellular angle, the reason of origin of discomfort and in-fact strengthens the cellular system. The motto of the discipline is “do no harm” has not only survive the onslaught but made dente in the therapeutic field since 1810, while Hahnemann (1755 to 1843) was alive.
Human body is a complex machine fitted with specialised organs that work in unity. The unity of diverse organ is on dynamic level. The law of thermodynamics has been the key in the application of drugs. The disordered dynamic always responded to the material dynamics sensitivity. The power helps in strengthening the ability to communicate with the inter cellular activities and with the invading foreign body.
Complexity of homeopathic therapy is simply that the disease is secondary whereas the drug matters. The drug must match, in its properties, with the sickness that accompany, the strange, rare and peculiar symptoms of the individual.
It may be of interest that like all others medicines, the homeopathic remedies are suitably employed when not only the corporeal affections correspond but also when the mental and emotional alterations peculiar to the drug encounter similar states in the sick to be cured, or at least in the temperament of the subject.
Among, the organs, heart is an important and is the first to become active in mother womb and keep working till the last minute without take a break in the entire period of human existence. Although, other organs of the body do have resting phase.
The heart, muscular organ of fist size with electromagnetic waves that connect with the outside world. Having multiple devices like, nervous system, self-generating life force, heart beat and supplier of nutrients mechanisms. The effects of emotions do reflect physically as stress. The changes in behaviour, breathlessness, increase heart beats and pulse rate are some, significant signs.
The diseases causing pathogens penetrate via blood in to the cells. Until the pathogen is irradiated from the cellular system, health can’t be restored and so the recurring of symptoms. Thus, the cellular eradication is to be focus. The physical manifestation is only an outcome of innermost disturbances. The poison has traveled throughout, it reaches each cell and kept alive via circulating bloodstream. ❤️
“The remedies focus on thinking, emotions, sleep patterns, and pathological assessment of systemic response, and condition of heart. While assessing the remedies that excites the system with an ability to relate to the magneto-dynamics field of heart. Synchronizations of the two are an essential part of the therapeutic exercises”
“The crude drugs do have some beneficial results but with irreparable injury to the cells of organisms.”
The recent pandemic experience had saddened that left an everlasting traumatic impression on heart and lungs. The virus influences the general behaviour of the person, making unfit for job. The virus presents complexity of the sensory but still not enough for managing. The closest monitoring indicates the virus mobility to be identified by the changing features. The mutating pattern exhibit an important clinical dilemma, the base guidelines for treatment. The role homeopathic remedies are significant as it helps the cell to identify the changing viral infections to acts effectively.
Also, the cost of hospital care is vastly becoming prohibitive for the average citizen in our country and around the world. And the diseases are becoming difficult to care anymore not to say of curing. Diagnostic parts are expensive, as well causing problems to the human system. With the current situation the homeopathic clinical diagnosis and management gives more certain and durable comfort in health care. The prices, within the reach, while permitting satisfactory remuneration to its physicians as well.
The clinical analysis of signs and symptoms are intelligently designed to meet the exigencies of our time, perfecting the physicians in the therapeutic fields. The physician looks to prescribe for the patient, while the remedies energies the action of all the vital organs to take care of the unwanted force. The greatest and finest goal in recovery.
The symptoms that belong to patient are important than to the disease. Unusual heart beats, emotional sensitivity is indicative of hypersensitivities nature are the feeling embraced are very personal. These symptoms disturbing, causing enhancement of the physical condition.
Let’s, take the anxiety, “something is going to happen would fly to pieces”. It seems, as if the whole economy were full of anxiousness’s and restlessness. Lassitude, faintness and extreme prostration, fainting on slightest provocation. It begins with an awful sensation in the stomach and bowels. Sleep is full of horrible dreams, nightmares, frightening. Dream of falling-that is common with cardiac affection”. These symptoms may be associated with the main complaint related to, heart, lungs, digestive or renal disorders. It creates a state of turbulence in the economy. Hence, are important ones to be considered in prescribing for. Once, the stress factors are brought under control, the cells ability to heal, stars.
Quote from Page 462, N. M. Choudhari, M.M
“The maladministration not only complicates the case but produces a sort of a drug disease far more difficult to eradicate. All the enlarge spleens, livers, that we come across are not the effect of marsh miasms alone. A little more judgment, scrutiny, and little more unbiased thinking will make it plane to many of our fellow practitioners that poisonous ingredients and drugs may, if misapplied, produce a great many symptoms and far more potent damages than are caused by many dreaded bacteria.
However, the maladministration of quinine should not constitute the sole reason for prescribing Menyanthes Triyfoliata. A far more important indication is the predominance of chilly stage. Chill, to which such a high place has be assigned in this remedy, is as well marked, as in no other complaint where this remedy is indicated. Chilliness, though especially felt in the fingers and toes is perfectly present all over the body”.
The above is the special ways of looking into the reason of prescribing remedy. Also the feeling is important than thinking. Feeling is an expression from heart, whereas thinking is an indication of mental activities from brain, an analytical outcome of mind, is using orientation of logic and analytical that make the decision. Feeling comes from the soul, heart an individualistic sensitivity.
A lady aged 32 years and a mother of four years son, intelligent and conscientious worker, giving the best possible-care to the family. The over stressed mind led to brooding, leading to unintelligent and imaginative powers of thinking and loss of sleep. The psychiatrist drug gave her but the power to think, rationally. She became weepier and more saddened. She was given Chamomilla 200, one dose every 12 hours with an advice to stop remedy when able to sleep better. The first two doses gave her good sleep waking up fresh and rested. The remedy has touched her being, the core reason for sickness and the much-needed sleep. The magnetic field being organized.
The recurrence of symptoms means the remedying inability to have a sustained effect. The protective strength is weakened, and the vitality is compromised. The diseases like tuberculosis, allergies- rhinitis, autoimmune disorders, psoriasis, B- coli infection-urinary infection etc. are the leading causes in compromising the fighting ability of the immune system. In chronic case the acute flare, is due to the underlying infection which is to be considered. A fundamental phenomenon with the sickening situation. The therapy for altered thinking is to boosts the healing process and prevent recurrence. The core benefits with the homeopathic therapy.
A case report to understand better.
The study of a man of 43 years old, teacher by profession reported on April 5, 2019.
Suffered from tuberculosis of lungs one year back, on anti- tubercular medicine for 13 months. Now stopped Rcinex.
Present symptoms.
Nauseous and loss of appetite more pronounced.
Cough on and off.
February 26, 2018 chest PA— few calcified foci suggestive of old healed infection in bilateral lungs fields
USG February 27, 2018, enlarged peripheral and peri pancreatic nodes with calcification with BPH. Liver functions test showed, the parameters are within normal limits. Total IgE, 4022.32kiu/L <150
February 28, 2018 FNAC— Tubercular lymphadenitis.
USG upper abdomen on 5. 4. 2019. Multiple retro peritoneal lymphadenopathy with hetroechoic space occupying lesion in close relation to pancreatic tail—? Lymph node, and multiple small splenic granulomas.
Total IgE 4022.32k is/L
H/O AFB 20 years back— took medicine for 9 months.
USG. ABDOMEN on May 24, 2019 almost same—48x 45 mm in close proximity to pancreatic tail. Few echogenic specs—splenic parenchyma.? Calcified granuloma. Few lymph nodes— peri pancreatic region.
USG UPPER ABDOMINAL 24. 8. 2019. Necrotic lymph node 4.2x4.2x 2.7 cm near tail of pancreas, porta- lymph nodes—22x19 mm with calcification. Fluid collection—7.9x6.1x4.9cm(124cc) in the psoas muscle USG findings— followed up case of abdomen tuberculosis reveals multiple enlarged lymph nodes with psoas abscess.
February 24, 2020. USG upper abdomen— 19.2.2020 absent GB- operated, B/L small psoas abscesses. Right 6x4.5x 3.3 and left 8.3x4.1x3.7
March 05, 2021 USG abdomen, absent gall bladder, mild hepatomegaly with fatty changes. Fluid collection over psoas muscle near renal area, suggestive of bilateral resolving psoas abscess.
Analysis. The first attack of tuberculosis of lungs 20 years ago at age of 23 years, second attack at the age of 42. The recent X-ray of the chest showed calcified foci in lungs field although healed. The FNAC of Lymph nodes indicated tubercular lymphadenitis, meaning active infection with the rise of temperature, nausea and loss of desire to eat.
The analysis indicates the under current unhealthy situation, digestive distress, and personal health is not in appropriately productive state. There remains some lacuna in the follow up treatment of the tubercular condition.
The case history and investigation reports indicate that the anti-tubercular drugs have not been fully successfully effective.
Having disappointed with the management, turn to Homeopathic therapy, looking for effective anti-tubercular treatment. This is to restore the health with remedies to activate the healing process in the system. He was given few doses of Spongia toasta 200.
A week later, April 12, 2019, temperature has come down and cough is less frequent and less troublesome.
In the next courses, seeing the biochemical nature of disease, Mephitis 200 was prescribed followed by Kali iodide 6 three times a day for a week and then Drosera 200 followed by Kali iodide 6 three times a day for a week.
April 26,19, no fever but cough still persistent, dry cough, no phlegm. Uric acid increased. Arum Triphyllum 200, weekly followed by Kali iodide 6, for a month.
May 24, 2019. No fever and no cough, same medication to continued.
USG—Upper abdomen on 24, August 2019 necrotic lymph node size 4.2x4.2x2.7cm near tail of Pancreas. Porta lymph nodes 22x19mm with calcification. Fluid. 7.9x4.9 cm— 124cc in left psoas muscle.
USG Follow up case of abdomen—TB, reveal multiple enlarged lymph nodes with left Psoas abscess.
In the light of above observation, the following course of medication was prescribed for 6 weeks.
Psorinum 1M and podophyllum30 three times a day for three weeks.
Mag Carb 200 and Carbo veg 30 for three weeks.
The patient recovery was smooth with good appetite for food.
Being physician, which is why I am constantly learning and do continue medical education. Learning with each patient, each individual suffering, seek origin of illness to give the best possible care based on new Homeopathic finding, and improvement in science always seek new information based on new data
Science never turns blind eye to hypocrisy, but has to be proved or disproved
I am trying to understand pathology, effective physiology and what treatment worked and how to diagnose the disease before having Covid teste
This brings us to understand the lacuna in the application of drugs based on pathology. The specific mechanism of treatment adopted hasn’t been successful.
Homeopathy never advocated the practiced of specialization in the specific field of medicine. But I feel necessary and there is an advantage in the analysis of cases under homeopathic therapy in overall clinical settings of the exact cause and formulating a strategy to achieve the desired level of success. The specializations in the field of Homeopathic clinical medicine will be a boon and benefits for the suffering people.
Our greatest assets are books of Material Medica and Repertory. The stalwarts have observed and expressed clearly the capability of the remedies having the potential to change the character of ailments. The selected groups of remedies that have been clinically proven towards curing are listed in the above books.
It seems easy to treat, based on technology while taking care of the visible effects but the desired recovery of patients is not achieved. The vast number of diseases are medically created, that force to apply the medical knowledge in achieving the productive state of health.
The knowledge seems inadequate in the light of results against the ravages of disease. It requires to know the reason for the failure. The sickness at the cellular level and the remedial agents are acting against each other. The curative properties of drugs are not attuned to the inner cells. The life forces and restoring power are weakened. The remedies are called for to strengthen the life force, the cellular power to be effective.
A remedy directed under unfailing laws is fraught with almost infinite possibilities of cure is far behold the visibility of the chemical plane.
The allopathic drug effect and the bacterial influence are deeply unpleasant to Heart, lungs, and the vital organs. The visible weakness, or susceptibility to seasonal changes are perceptible like in cases of Tuberculosis, Malaria, COPD, Renal disorders.
The child is not thriving after an acute illness is also a mater like in allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis.
Despite careful management by allopathic medications. These observations have been in my practice 50 years. Now, the patients who has been treated, are coming with their children or grandchildren for, Allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma. Bronchial asthma, allergic rash that is common in the atmospheric condition of Delhi.